
The Unifi Controller is a work in progress with minor tweaks here and there. Full documentation will be available once it is optimized!

Primary Uses - The Unifi Controller is responsible for the setting the variables of UP minting on individual pairs as well as updating the redeem value of UP tokens globally.

uTrade V2 Controller Code / Interfaces

uTrade V2 Controller Contract Addresses



event SwapFeesUpminted(address indexed pool, uint amountUPMinted, address defaultPoolAddress, uint platforUPFees);

The SwapFeeUpminted event is emitted whenever UP is minted. In the majority of cases, this will occur any time a trade occurs.

Parameter Breakdown


event UpdatePoolRewards(address indexed pool, uint rewards);    

The UpdatePoolRewards event is emitted when the amount of UP claimable by the liquidity providers in the liquidity pool is updated. This event occurs when a trade occurs and results in UP being minted for liquidity providers, or a liquidity provider performs a claim UP transaction.

Parameter Breakdown

Read-Only Functions


function feeSetter() external view returns (address);

The feeSetter function returns the address of uTrade V2's Smart Contract which sets the fees for trading.


function WETH() external view returns (address);

The WETH function will return the address of WETH on Ethereum. As this does not change, it will always return 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2.


function UNIFIUPVault() external view returns (address);

The UNIFIUPVault function returns the address of the UPEth vault. This vault contains the ETH that is redeemable for UP.


function nativeFeeTo() external view returns (address);

The nativeFeeTo function returns the address where, in the case of Unifi Protocol collecting native token fees, the fees would be sent to.

Last updated