UNIFI / UP Token Contract Addresses
UNIFI Token Addresses
UNIFI is the global governance token for the entire multi-chain protocol and the public face of the Unifi Protocol to be listed on major exchanges. Currently, UNIFI on Ethereum can be staked to earn rewards on our UNIFI DAO Governance Page. UNIFI on can also participate in blockchain governance on our UNIFI DAO Governance Page. UNIFI token exists on BSC and Ethereum, and will be coming to each uTrade blockchain. UNIFI is required to participate in UNIFI Super Pairs on each blockchain. Super Pairs receive a portion of the trading fee from all preferred pairs on that blockchain. Currently, UNIFI is on nine blockchains. To utilize the staking features of UNIFI, the UNIFI must be ERC-20, or in other words, on the Ethereum Network. To utilize the governing features of UNIFI, the UNIFI must be on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Fantom, Avalanche, or Harmony. Most centralized exchanges utilize ERC-20 UNIFI on the Ethereum Network and BEP-20 UNIFI on the Binance Smart Chain Network.
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UNIFI also exists on Ethereum Ropsten Testnet as well Binance Smart Chain Testnet for developers who may wish to utilize them in building dApps.
UP Token Addresses
A blockchain specific liquidity mining token earned by liquidity providers. Smart contract governed minting ensures once mined, UP can only go UP in base token redemption value. The redemption value is different on each blockchain, and is labeled by the token name. For example, UPeth is UP with an Ethereum redemption value, and UPbnb is Binance Smart Chain’s UP with a BNB redemption value.
UP’s redemption value offers unique security and sustainability to Unifi tokenomics. UP also includes automatic yield farming and no staking, which greatly reduces network fees. UP also provides exclusive access to protocol specific opportunities to migration, allowing liquidity providers to earn UNIFI. The minting rate of UP is governed by the current UP redeem rate.
UP is available on any chain uTrade V1 or uTrade V2 in on. Each UP has its own redemption value - you can check the current value on Unifi Report.
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One Format: one1u0zxuhm69tfl0e5ujtltrj99mpr04xm0judmux
0x Format:
UP also exists on Ethereum Ropsten Testnet as well Binance Smart Chain Testnet for developers who may wish to utilize them in building dApps.
Last updated